
How we are governed and managed

The governance of Sackville College charity is undertaken by three voluntary Trustees who see their responsibilities for running the College in vocational terms. The governance involves regular meetings of the Trustees.

Safeguarding.  Sackville College has a legal duty to protect everyone who comes into contact with the College from harm and in particular residents who are at risk.

Sackville College is a member of the Almshouse Association and functions according to the rules of the Charity Commission, Charity Registration No: 220488

Our Patron

Earl De La Warr

Our Trustees

Rosalind Crowther

Warden & Trustee

Countess De La Warr

Assistant Warden & Trustee

Christopher Rolley

Assistant Warden & Trustee

Alexandra Durrant


Our Team

The College is run on a day to day basis by the Almoner Mrs Linda Bryant with the support of the Gardener / Maintenance Mr Marcus Bryant


You can find downloadable copies of our policies below:


Privacy Policy



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